Saturday, March 2, 2024

Why Today's Youth Seem to Need Some Lessons in History and Racial Oppression!

The young Asian student begins her diatribe with the seemingly now heavily endorsed view of the past racial injustice, "Given that white women have never had to endure racism or colonial oppression . . . "  From what is taught today in educational classrooms K-12 through College and in the mainstream media, how could anyone disagree? 

Watch how one scholar takes it upon himself to give the young lady a "needed history lesson."  

Why is there so much foolishness being taught in history classes today? It's no accident that the only educational subjects that no state has ever been held accountable to a national standard are American History and Civics/American Government. Because no state is accountable for what   students know in these subjects, literally anything can be taught! Often, it's a false and
un-American narrative such as this young Asian student has received. Congress had the chance
to correct this oversight thirty years ago and failed to provide equity to American History. 

Our Latest Educational Posters--Civil War Mascots!

 Our Civil War ancestors' love of pets is something we all share with them. In some cases, their mascots came to embody the Regiments that adopted them! A few of the 'mascots' were more than what we might call "therapy pets" today--they fought in the ranks with their human comrades and weathered many a devastating battle! Next in our line of educational posters that the 150th PA Bucktail Regiment and the 111th PA Veteran Volunteer Regiment use in their 'living history encampments' are these two new additions below.  These can be downloaded and used by classroom teachers and other lovers of history by clicking the appropriate hyperlink. Send any great anecdotes or interesting stories about Civil War mascots to us so we may use them in the future.  

To download a Microsoft WORD File of this, Click HERE.  To obtain a jpeg, click HERE.  

Our Tribute to "Sallie"- the feisty pit-bull
of the 11th PA Volunteers!

To download a Microsoft WORD File of this, Click HERE.  To obtain a jpeg, click HERE.  To view a short video on Sallie, Click HERE.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

European vs African Slavery in the Modern Age

Calls for racial reparations for Africans who experienced slavery over 150 years ago have taken many American cities and even several states by storm. Forgotten in these calls for racial reparations for slavery is the fact that the United States only protected the institution from its inception in 1776 until 1865--only 89 years! Slavery was pretty much an accepted cultural practice throughout the world at the time. In fact, it was the United States and Great Britain that began the campaign to end slavery--often in opposition to Africans and Muslims who wished to continue the practice. Not taught today is a fact that our Founding Fathers were aware of--that Africans had waged wars to enslave whites for over 1100 years! The poster below provides a quick overview of the institution of global slavery from the end of the Roman Empire to the present day. None of these facts are generally acknowledged by our mainstream media or educational institutions today because they run counter to the Marxist teachings known as Critical Race Theory. To read other examples of the false narratives put forth by CRT advocates, simply search for the terms "CRT" or "slavery" in this Blog. 

   To download a copy of the above, click HERE.  

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Is the Civil War Still Relevant Today?

Often when we look back upon history, we sense that the 'past' is past and that it is no longer relevant to the present. For years as a public-school teacher of American History, I struggled to get my students interested in the subject. As comedian Red Foxx used to say, "How is knowing when George Washington crossed the Delaware going to help me in a brick fight?" Today, this seems to be no longer a problem. Youth are marching, protesting, burning, and demanding change based upon "past" injustices. To rectify these abominations, they are ready to inflict new injustices upon innocent Americans in the hope that the present generation can atone for the crimes of the past. As a result, the issues that brought about the greatest tragedy in our nation's past seem to be eerily still with us today. The following educational poster has identified five major issues that contributed to Civil War in the 1860s that seem to be increasing in tempo today. They not only parallel the issues of the past, they threaten to reignite a new, perhaps even greater conflict in our nation in the early 21st century. These posters are used in 'living-history' encampments along with many others directly related to events that took place during the Civil War. Not surprisingly, these two posters often generate the most conversation and help to prove that the issues for which our ancestors fought have still not been settled.

To look at some recent news articles that support each of the five issues outlined above, click HERE> 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Disney's Diabolical Delusion Deliberately Fuels Racism

Disney—the once-great corporation that was universally admired in the 1950s and 1960s is today deliberately working to help fuel racism amongst our most innocent citizens—young children.  A recent production of Disney’s “The Proud Family” put forth yet another false narrative about our nation’s history—that only Black slaves “built this nation” and that Blacks today deserve reparations “for every moment we spend submerged in this systemic prejudice, racism, and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.” To illustrate this last point, the cartoon showcases a picture of a young Black man with his palms turned up and the words “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” written on them. The film features predominately Black girls angrily denouncing the Founding Fathers and at one point shows the presidential images on Mount Rushmore being replaced with the likes of Harriett Tubman, Nat Turner, and Frederick Douglass—the “real” champions of freedom. Lincoln is deliberately snubbed as the girls proclaim “we can only free ourselves …. emancipation was not freedom.” No context, of course, is supplied for these outlandish charges—thus exposing the cartoon for the racist propaganda that it is. 


Disney has certainly declined from the company that virtually every home was tuned in to watch in television’s formative years. In earlier times, Disney regularly featured wholesome, patriotic portrayals of America’s past that influenced generations of children. Recently, however, it has worked diligently to promote the Leftist goal to “fundamentally change America.”  One executive producer has admitted she deliberately infused gay-lifestyle themes into as many productions as possible.  Disney’s Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Vivian Ware, led the effort to ditch the words ladies, gentlemen, boys, and girls in its theme parks in order to not alienate transgender children. The company has already pulled or posted warning labels to old movie favorites such as DumboPeter PanAristocatsSwiss Family Robinson, and Song of the South for their being deemed offensive to minorities.  It fired the conservative star of MandalorianGina Carano, for posting to a social media site her criticism of attacks upon Republicans. Secretly recorded Critical Race Theory trainings for Disney staff have blamed all whites for systemic racism and instructed them to never “question or debate Black colleagues’ lived experience.” Disney’s white employees were also asked to complete a “white privilege checklist” with such qualifiers as “I am a man,” “I still identify as the gender I was born in,” and “I have never been raped.” Upon discovering this, Chris Rufo rightly argued that “the Magi Kingdom is a house of lies” because it has used slave and child labor, filmed “Mulan” near Uighur concentration camps, and censored its content for the Chinese Communist Party.  


But it’s much worse than this. Disney’s latest attempt to fundamentally change America shows the company’s diabolical nature. The Proud Family episode deliberately distorts our nation’s history. The fact that slavery was universal among cultures is ignored. There is no mention of the fact that North African and Ottoman Muslims enslaved millions of white Europeans for over 1,000 years. Children are intentionally left with the notion that only Black slaves “built this country.” Children are not informed that both Hinton Helper and Alexis de Tocqueville offered plenty of evidence that slavery—far from being responsible for all the nation’s wealth—actually retarded the South’s economic progress and development. There is no mention of the exploitation of Irish immigrants in the nation’s coal mines and in the construction of our railroads and canals. Apparently, the white farm girls who worked 13 hours daily in the Lowell Mills, the Chinese coolie laborers who built the Central Pacific Railroad, the immigrant miners who worked 364 days a year in the PA coal mines, the striking workers who were machine-gunned in 1914 at Ludlow, Colorado, and countless other examples of exploited non-Black victims who helped build this nation played no role in creating our nation’s prosperity. Nor can we forgive Disney for helping to inflame the racial hatred and violence that currently engulfs America. The cartoon’s attempt to reaffirm the lie surrounding the George Floyd case by promoting the phrase “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” in the cartoon is unpardonable. 


Far from succeeding in its goal of indoctrinating America’s children to the necessity of imposing racial reparations on the nation, Disney has only succeeded in showing how its militant cartoon characters are ignorant of real history. Disney intentionally promotes the falsehood that Black men are routinely shot down by police while trying to surrender with the cartoon’s ‘hands up’ scene. Meanwhile, the cartoon’s promotion of Nat Turner—a murderer who slew his master and his wife while they were sleeping in their bed at night and who ordered their infant child to be slaughtered in his crib—is a sad commentary of what passes today as acceptable viewing for children. Disney’s producers apparently didn’t know that Turner’s men decapitated the infant in its crib and threw its body into the fireplace. Nor that two other children were later beheaded. Nor that almost all of Turner’s victims were defenseless, unarmed women and children. And, according to Disney, this is the man who should be depicted on Mount Rushmore? 


Let’s not give Disney the benefit of the doubt here. The company has a litany of researchers and historians at its disposal who could give caution to its deliberate dissemination of racial bias and falsehood. These deliberate distortions of history and racial animus—far from bringing us closer together as a people— only serve to further divide us into ethnic and racial tribes. These falsehoods lead to the assassination of police officers, an increase in racially inspired hate crimes, and countless break-ins and robberies of businesses throughout the nation as “oppressed” individuals seek the ‘reparations’ they deserve. 


Disney should apologize for its promotion of a murderer of children to an audience of children in the vague hope that we’ll somehow have better race relations in the future. 



Word Count 989


Jack Bovee

Fort Myers, FL 
The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa--the National Social Studies Honor Society--past president of the Florida Council for the Social Studies, and a former Elementary School Principal of the Year in Lee County, Florida. He may be reached at:

